Python program to count total number of vowel,consonant,lowercase,uppercase

Fun with chrome dino game
By applying these code you can make changes into dino game:
step1: Go to chrome browser (Suggestion: it will be good if u open it in incognito mode).
step2: search: chrome://dino.
step3: press ctrl+shift+i , choose console option.
step4: now write code in that console.
step5: code are as follow:
(a) for controlling speed write: Runner.instance_.setSpeed(n) where n=+ve integer.
for eg: Runner.instance_.setSpeed(10000)
(b) for jump (high or low): Runner.instance_.tRex.config.GRAVITY=n
where n =+ve real no (suggestion: Don't let 'n' to be very big no).
for eg: Runner.instance_.tRex.config.GRAVITY=0.1
(c) if u want to input yours own distance then follow this code:
code is:Runner.instance_.distance=n / Runner.instance_.distanceMeter.config.COEFFICIENT
where n=+ve integer.
for eg: Runner.instance_.distance=1339 / Runner.instance_.distanceMeter.config.COEFFICIENT
(d) if u want to made your dino immortal then follow this code:
code is:Runner.instance_.gameOver=function(){};
For more help : click the video given below๐๐
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